Moisture Intrusion in a Vinyl-Sided Home

Buy Your Side Moisture-Intrustion-Water-Damage-Interior-EvidenceVigilant homeowners recently spotted what they thought was dirt blowing into their home around a window. Upon inspection of their vinyl sided home, they were surprised to learn that moisture intrusion was the culprit.

Luckily for them, the home wasn’t sided with stucco. Because it was just vinyl siding, which does a fairly good job of allowing the wall to dry out, the damage was far less severe. If this had been stucco, the damage likely would have been much more extensive; the repairs, much more expensive.

The only visible evidence of this water damage was little black flecks that had made their way through the window and landed on the carpet.  I suspect those were little pieces of rotted wall sheathing blowing into the home during periods of heavy wind, but I’m not 100% sure.

This is the type of damage that home buyers try to avoid when buying any home, and this is why some home buyers choose to have moisture testing performed on homes with vinyl siding.  Vinyl does a great job of hiding this kind of damage.

If you’re buying a home with vinyl siding or you already own a home with vinyl siding and there is concern about water intrusion, have moisture testing performed.  Vinyl sided homes with no moisture barrier should always raise concern, but moisture intrusion can still occur when a moisture barrier is present.

Give us a call. We’re BUY YOUR SIDE. 407.780.0911

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