Role of Homeowner or Resident at Inspection

Buy Your Side Homeowner or Resident InspectionIt’s easy to understand that you – as either the homeowner or a resident of the home – may be apprehensive about the buyer’s inspection of your residence. The biggest misconception is that this inspection is a “Pass/Fail”. Here is what you can expect when we’re there.

Although minor (and occasionally not-so-minor) issues may be observed and reported, the focus of the home inspection is on defects that in the inspectors’ opinion adversely affect the proper functionality or safety of the evaluated systems and components of the property.

It’s best to allow us to proceed with complete access of your property, and without excessive interruption, so that we’re able to conduct a comprehensive and fair evaluation.  Sometimes residents or homeowners prefer not to be at the inspection, and instead have an agent present, but we welcome your presence if you choose to be there.

Generally, the home inspector will conduct examinations throughout the interior and exterior of the home. This includes walking on the roof; climbing in the attic; opening windows and doors; operating the heat pump or furnace and air conditioning systems and standard appliances; opening electrical panel enclosures; looking under the sinks in the kitchen and bathrooms; running water in sinks, showers, tubs, etc.

After years of conducting home inspections in and around Osceola County, we have an established routine as we progress through the home. If there are any areas or components of the home that you do not wish to be accessed or operated, please inform the home inspector. Also, if you are aware of any problems or adverse conditions affecting the building and related systems please let the inspector know that as well.

Finally, the prospective buyers are encouraged to accompany our inspectors so we can point out items of particular interest and so they can ask questions. So while there likely won’t be a superstar-worthy entourage, you should plan on having a few us on site.

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