There’s A Battle Up On Your Roof!

There's A War On Your Roof!

There’s A Battle Up On Your Roof!

Did you know a war is being waged on your roof and in Florida we have several “enemies.” The actual life of the roof will vary, depending on a number of interrelated factors, including the quality of the roofing material and method of installation. Luckily, roofs are designed to last years when properly maintained. Here are just a few of the enemies your roof is battling to keep you and your family safe from the elements.

  • Florida is the Sunshine State and the heat and ultra-violet rays from the sun cause deterioration over time.
  • Our sea breezes are wonderful but wind can damage, lift and/or remove shingles exposing the roof deck to moisture and debris and making the home vulnerable to water damage and rot.
  • Central Florida sees about 50 inches of rain annually – water underneath shingles and other roofing materials exposes the roof deck. The resulting excess moisture can foster the growth of moss, algae and rot which can can infiltrate the house, including walls, ceilings, and insulation.
  • We love our lush vegetation in Florida, however overgrown trees that come into contact with the roof can damage roofing materials and the leaves remaining on the roof can retain moisture and cause rot.
  • Loose or missing Flashing – Your roof needs tight flashings around chimneys, vents, skylights and wall/roof junctions and should be inspected routinely.
  • Aging Roof – Your roof won’t last forever and old and worn out shingles curl, split and lose their waterproofing effectiveness over time and compromise the performance of the roof.

Buy Your Side Home Inspections provides Osceola County with the most thorough and affordable home inspections available. Call 407-780-0911 for more Information on how to save money buy doing a Home Inspection!

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